Responsibilities and Composition of Technical Advisory Group
Scope of Work:
The TAG is responsible for:
- Reviewing all finalized HIP briefs to ensure the “practice” meets the criteria for HIP as set out by the HIP Partnership (see HIP list);
- Reviewing HIP concept notes in order to prioritize no more than 2 per year for development into briefs/products;
- Reviewing updated HIP briefs to ensure they continue to meet HIP criteria and standards of evidence; and
- Refining and improving standards of evidence relevant to family planning programming.
Composition of the TAG:
The TAG is made up of experts in family planning research, program implementation, policy makers and representatives from donor agencies. Selection of new TAG members will be based on maintaining a balance of technical expertise. Special consideration will be given to expand and maintain diverse representation, including members currently based in developing country context. Invitation to serve on the TAG is extended to the individual NOT the organization. If a TAG member leaves his/her organization, the invitation to serve on the TAG transfers with them regardless of their new position.
Experience has shown that the TAG works best when meetings are limited to no more than 20 individuals and benefits from consistent membership. Long term engagement and small meetings maximizes participation and fosters group productivity. Therefore, membership will be revoked from TAG members who are unable to attend 3 consecutive meetings. This will provide opportunities to bring on new TAG members while maintaining a core of dedicated professionals.
Anyone can nominate an individual for TAG membership. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis and are solicited from HIP Endorsing Partners once a year. Final selection is decided by members of the HIP co-sponsors. TAG members are selected based on the following criteria:
- Ability to fully and actively participate in biannual meetings and ancillary activities that support the TAG;
- Recognized expertise in international family planning;
- Good understanding of research methods and methodologies;
- Good understanding of program implementation;
- Ability to consider and review evidence from a wide range of subjects;
- Ability to prioritize; and
- Ability to provide an unbiased viewpoint.
TAG members will be supported by their organization or institution. Funding may be available to select TAG members to ensure diverse representation in TAG membership.