Victoria Jennings
Victoria Jennings, PhD, has more than 30 years of experience developing, managing, implementing, and advising FP/RH programs in capacity building, evaluation, and advocacy. As Director of the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, Dr. Jennings leads the USAID-funded Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation (FACT) Project, which is testing innovative strategies to increase fertility awareness and expand access to Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FAM) at the community level. She also leads the Gates Foundation-funded A3 Project which aims to improve RH outcomes by expanding FP access through FBOs, increasing access to SDM through mobile phones, and improving adolescent fertility awareness.
Previously, she was the Principle Investigator of the FAM Project and of the AWARENESS Project, research-to-practice initiatives to develop, test, and integrate the SDM, TwoDay Method, and LAM into a wide variety of settings. She is also a professor in the Department of Obstetric and Gynecology at Georgetown University Medical Center. An anthropologist with a background in research, gender issues, male involvement, training, and behavior change communication, Dr. Jennings has experience in the U.S. as well as Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. She serves on numerous WHO committees and USAID task forces.